Sunday, April 04, 2021



Once we were nudes,

Rippling in the wind,

Broadcasting to the universe

With hands entwined holding in.


Now we operate by distant mental code

Holding families in faraway abodes.


Still, I remember that luxury of knowing you from lifetimes ago.

The grandeur of our step like swans with necks curled up.

Runing our youthful steps in woolen coats through the snow.

Small symbolic gestures, treasure boxes, of indigo and yellow.


The days to come bring offerings of memories never to extinguish

In times of anguish the theme of these moments will vine and tether.

More than a love,

A shell unbroken, hallowed even in flight

To our forecasted destinies.

Painted and nested in our sleepy visions late in the night.


Hold it in and hold it close

Don’t lose it in times of need

As it glows the most honest of self

Mirror reflecting soul brother, soul sister.


-Sonja J Johnston 31-Mar-2021

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