Friday, December 19, 2014


Out of the hospital,
Internalized blood.

Working up to my own memorial day.
As physical manifestations overtake me.

It's some kind of Voodoo when the overlap comes.

Assumptions are pointless.
All is relative to the direction.
Ethics can only prove, not eliminate.

In this cloud chamber,
the elusive spins round.

Every second gained was depleted.
I surrendered to it.

Wake me up when you are breathing again.

© -18-June-2014 Sonja J. Johnston

Thursday, December 18, 2014


How can I act absent when I am so present,
taking in knowledge that is not my own?
In a moment, my path is swept away with the wind.

A wind-up toy, wobbling back down;
A tree with dangling branches
Reaching, alive with life and then death.
Outside of the object and then within.

Perhaps I'm just a shifter.
Fluxing in and out of this place.
Focused and then forced to be embedded.

-Sonja J. Johnston © 18-Dec-2014

Series of Awake

At night they beat upon my soul grasping to sense and stage through in my waking.
I long for sleep as the walls of life thicken.
My spleen aches with internalized pain.

Those shore-side see my beacon as I  hide my sight.
I am awake, but in need of sleep.

 © 18-Nov-2014 -Sonja J. Johnston