Thursday, July 09, 2009

Childhood Out of Body

Singular focus 
A murmur and inaudible surroundings.

My spine stretches as my head moves up in the sheets.
Pulling straight through the headrest feeling the walls as if they too
were sheets.

I'm outside now drifting down the road and into another's house.

Years later, I enter this house and know where everything is and
ask about a picture that no longer resides on the wall.

I find myself wishing that I still went out of body as I did as a child.

I traded it for this grounding, not knowing what
it would mean to become

© 09-Jul-2009 Sonja J. Johnston

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Guide Winds

What came with us here and
where is it going?
Can we refind it in the
winds that are blowing?

See how many centuries it has taken
for just one particle of sense to make itself known.

I speak from what brushes silent against us.
We are accompanied and
networked through one another
unearthed and other-worldly.

-SJP 15-Jan-2008