Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The House is Going Dizzy

The house is going dizzy
My hair looks like fire
As the milk spills on the floor
And the ants go marching one
By one crumb by crumb, by crumb.

An ax ta dent is waiting
As we flee the combat zone
And the sink is getting busy
We don’t need a microphone.

The house is going dizzy.
Too many butterflies in the attic
lady bugs fill the air
While my twirling dervishes have at it.

Yes the house is going dizzy
With this childish delight.
You may think we’re going crazy,
But this is just how we spend our night.

© 02-Oct-2008 Sonja J. Johnston

Monday, October 06, 2008


I am poisoned by your unforeseen fear of
some dreaded horror that lives inside you;
that keep you on some mysterious ledge.

My colors vanish along with various
Abilities to maintain self,
Relaying with conviction all that is
Part of who I need to be.

What I do for you is what I do to me.

The outcome of me helping someone
is now your dreaded monster to overcome,
So needless.

Through this waning moon
I pull my shell and sullen my energies.

That hero inside me shines only
In a quiet place of which seems to be
Constantly falling off the radar.

An eraser mark swirled at
the bottom of a cup.
Loose words drop
off in the distance.
Moment after moment,

My paints reduced to Mono-tonal palate.

©-Sonja J Johnston 06-Oct-2008